


ECEA Summer Days 2019

Aug 23, 2019

Another year, another two days well spent with colleagues. This time, the summer days were held in an Estonian border town of Narva.

After checking in Hotel Narva, we had lunch in the hotel restaurant. Good food and great company really made everyone feel welcome.

I also got a chance to admire a a bike enthusiast’s thoroughly decorated motorcycle.

Life won’t sparkle …

… unless YOU do!

Pleasant conversations abounding, we enjoyed a leisurely walk to Narva Museum, dominated by the impressive Narva Castle.

As expected, the views were spectacular both in the courtyard and on the walls.

After that, we headed for the Narva College, situated next to the Town Hall.

n the College, we had a seminar followed by a group project on plain language use (something that has become very dear to me over the years as a translator and editor). The said group project aimed to design an introductory leaflet for Eesti Keeletoimetajate Liit.

The second day, we visited the once-famous Kreenholm factory complex.

To sum up, everyone seemed to have a blast – the cultural mixed with the educational. Until next time!