Some facts and figures for 2015
Invoices sent: 92
Projects completed: 192
Busiest months: February & December
Gray hair gained: 2
Shortest & longest project: 1 word & 117304 words
Most frequent translation area: Technical
Most interesting project: Contraception website
New clients gained: 3
Record project income: 5000 €
Translation vs Editing: 97,5% vs 2,5%
Huzzah! Alchemist Translations turned 2 years old today. 2015 was successful year but
a lot busier than 2014. Perhaps even a bit too busy.
As team building is definitely one of my main goals this year, I hope 2016 will enable me to start collaborating with a few choice EN-ET translators. Wheels are already set to motion and I hope to announce the good news soon.
In the meanwhile, take care of one another and don’t forget to take a break from work every once in a while.