


Looking back on 2017

Jan 1, 2018

Yet another year coming to a close, so it’s time to look back on what’s been done and what still needs doing. Though there have been several topics on my mind I’ve considered writing more about (translator vs editor, translation rates, in-house CAT-tools, etc.) there never seems to be enough time lately. Projects and children keep clamoring for attention, always plenty to do. Perhaps I’ll take to blogging in 2018.

The year 2017 in facts and figures was as follows (results for 2016 and 2015 are shown in brackets, for comparison):

Invoices sent: 146 (118) (92)
Projects completed: 293 (310) (192)
Busiest months: January & February (October & November) (February & December)
Gray hair gained: 1 (0) (2)
Biggest project: 28 000 words (28 000) (117304)
Most frequent translation area: Marketing (Marketing) (Technical)
Most interesting project: Shaun the Sheep game (Yard Sauna) (Contraception website)
New clients gained: 13 (9) (3)
Record project income: 1700 € (2400 €) (5000 €)
Translation vs Editing: 64.6% vs 35.4% (89.7% vs 10.3%) (97,5% vs 2,5%)

There seems to be a logical trend towards more projects, clients, and income. Marketing translation keeps ahead of Technical translation, and editing/proofreading has made a significant leap compared to the previous year – a solid +25.1%! The more experience you get, the easier the task becomes.

The Alchemist giving back
It’s now become an annual, end of the year tradition to make a donation to a worthy cause. This year, I decided to help people fighting against cancer. Story background available at